Holy shit yes! Chow Yun Fat, zombies, a western

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Latte Thunder
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Holy shit yes! Chow Yun Fat, zombies, a western

Post by Latte Thunder »

From the Sheer Films website
The name of a young Bounty-Hunter is spreading across the West.

That name is Twenty-One. It comes from a left hand that bears six fingers. His deadly reputation comes from his right hand that wields a gun.

Twenty-One is bringing his latest quarry to justice when he meets the enigmatic Rellik. It seems the men have two things in common; both are Bounty-Hunters and both are stupendously fast with a gun.

Twenty-One's curiosity with Rellik increases when he comes to realize that their encounter was not by chance; Rellik has been following him. He has plans for the boy.

As they ride to a secret destination, Twenty-One learns that Rellik is unlike any other Bounty-Hunter he has met before.

Rellik is a Bounty-Hunter for the Undead.

The prison that holds the Undead outlaws is concealed beneath the Monastery of Wretched Sisters, an isolated edifice in the middle of the desert.

The prisoners are incarcerated in the catacombs and guarded by a specialist Order of Monks. The Monastery is Alcatraz for the Undead.

The Wretched begins as a classic tale of Master and Apprentice, with slices of black humour reminiscent of "J" and "K" in Men In Black. But events twist into horror as a wagon train of misguided travelers stumble upon the Monastery and unwittingly release the Undead locked within. When Rellik and Twenty-One return from the boy's first demonic bounty-hunt, they find themselves facing a jail-break like no other.

An original fusion of gothic western and classic horror, The Wretched is A Fistful of Dollars meets Dawn of the Dead.
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