2011 in review...

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Remo D
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2011 in review...

Post by Remo D »

Amazingly, we're already at this point. It was a very good year for movies, but also a very frustrating one, especially as regards our beloved horror genre. I saw plenty of good movies... plenty of VERY good movies, in fact... but as the year wound on, it became clearer and clearer that I wasn't likely to find anything that I could claim as THE standout horror film of the year.

Still, let's take a look at what we got and see what's what...


The year got off to a decent start with THE RITE. Let's face it--no fictionalized MOVIE is going to change anyone's mind as regards their personal belief in the substance of evil and the power of religion to combat it, but at least this rendition takes advantage of the latest developments and, while it inevitably chooses sides, it treats both faith and skepticism with understanding and respect. Oh, and it's got an ace card in the form of Anthony Hopkins, so I imagine you'll be willing enough to go where he leads you.

I'll take something like INSIDIOUS over something like SAW 3D any time. Of course the "haunted boy" tale could have easily passed for PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 for a while... but James Wan is equally adept at good, old-fashioned gore-free suspense and atmosphere as he is with graphic shock, and he's always got the Italian playbook in his pocket... not everyone agreed, but I happened to love the minimalist, Bava-esque vision of a hellish "elsewhere" offered up in the last half hour.

Nobody stepped up to tell me how DYLAN DOG: DEAD OF NIGHT stacked up against its comic book inspiration. Perhaps because nobody else actually SAW the film. Perhaps it's a travesty of its source material, perhaps not. I'll probably never know. But I still enjoyed the adventures of the undead-sensitive private eye as played by Brandon Routh. Perhaps someday he'll actually appear in a hit?

TROLLHUNTER is one of the best of the post-BLAIR WITCH "found footage" mockumentaries--the device itself may be over-familiar, but the original setting, some terrific monsters and a very refreshing sense of humor kept it entertaining throughout.

And speaking yet again of BLAIR WITCH? The long-delayed APOLLO 18 went the same route and managed to be fairly creepy and believable in its own right. Once again I say that it would make a perfect double bill with BURIED, but you’d have to see it for yourself to understand. Hey, it’s wide open—nobody ELSE saw this one, either…

One goes in to see a FINAL DESTINATION movie knowing full well to expect the SAME MOVIE EVERY TIME. And yet... and yet... FINAL DESTINATION 5 still proved significantly superior to its lackluster predecessor. Excellent 3-D, imaginative demises, spectacular setpieces... and even AN ENDING THAT ACTUALLY WORKS? I can't award points for originality, but I can't say that the film failed to do its job, either.

Leave it to Guillermo del Toro to take one of his favorite childhood television terrors and commission a full-blown theatrical interpretation... DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK is scarcely in the league of THE DEVIL'S BACKBONE or PAN'S LABYRINTH, but it still fits nicely into the producer's filmography.

Another out-and-out remake, FRIGHT NIGHT, placed too much unnecessary emphasis on 3-D (it’s great for a bright and shiny FINAL DESTINATION, but far less so for a dark and gloomy vampire tale) but managed to respect its inspiration even as it reinterpreted the characters to keep things fresh for old and new viewers alike.

While never a terrifying “monster movie,” ATTACK THE BLOCK was another of the year’s most amusing and entertaining films—a talented cast of young unknowns (give the assist to Nick Frost) easily steals the show from the imaginatively-crafted no-budget CGI creatures threatening them in jolly old England…

INSIDIOUS notwithstanding, there really was a PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3. It wasn’t terribly impressive with the prequel backstory material, but it quite simply knew how to be scary, especially when it introduced a camera jury-rigged to a constantly panning electric fan apparatus—you’d clutch the seat waiting to see what each successive pan would uncover… in spite of yourself.

With THE SKIN I LIVE IN, Pedro Almodovar paid blatant tribute (and not for the first time) to Jesus Franco, in particular his sex-and-surgery shockers from the 1960s. Antonio Banderas has his best role in years, and the creep factor builds inexorably throughout… the only thing missing was a truly cathartic final release.

All sorts of goodies, but no single film to which I could point and say “THAT’S the one,” and whether you agreed with me or not, I never had that problem in the past.

HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN is an unforgettable epic of carnage and sleaze that no gorehound/grindhouse fan can afford to miss—without a doubt it’s one of the most powerful items released this past year… but the term “horror” itself can’t capture what it aspires to do, can it? It’s easy enough to say that it’s better than PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3, for example, but which one was scarier? See my dilemma?

BELLFLOWER was a devastating psychological drama obsessed with a coming apocalypse and heavily flavored with MAD MAX. It would almost certainly hit you harder than INSIDIOUS, and genre aficionados need to be aware of its existence, but it’s by no means horror or science-fiction in its own right.

Nor was THE BEAVER a horror movie, even though Mel Gibson offered a tour-de-force to rival Anthony Hopkins in MAGIC itself when his self-appointed “therapy puppet” showed its dark side.

No matter how powerful and disturbing the story is in any rendition, could you call THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO a “horror movie,” either? For the record, Rooney Mara is the breakout star of David Fincher’s English-language rendition and the best reason to see the film (your reaction may well depend on how recently you saw the Swedish film—if you saw it at all).

I almost damn well handed it to SUPER… what was sold as a comedy (a la KICK ASS) had people bolting for the exit during the blood-soaked final fifteen minutes. This is no HERO AT LARGE from James Gunn: Rainn Wilson’s put-upon vigilante is truly losing his mind (to Kevin Bacon’s wonderfully oily villain), no matter how funny it seems at first.

I also had to consider the STRAW DOGS remake for its violence and intensity—but this, too, was intended less to “scare” than to make you feel every blow yourself and wonder just what the hell it would take to make YOU do something irrevocable about it.

And yet for all that? The most impactful cinematic violence of 2011 took place in the unassumingly-titled DRIVE, which is also one of the most impressively acted and directed films of the entire year. If you haven’t seen it for yourself, do so. But you wouldn’t show THIS on Creature Features, either, would you?

So you know what? This year I’m going to hand it to a comedy. Because it’s a comedy that quite simply couldn’t exist WITHOUT the well-entrenched requirements of accepted horror films. TUCKER AND DALE VS. EVIL may have been one giant shaggy-dog story inspired by THREE’S COMPANY, but it has everything you could ask for if you’re a fan of any or all backwoods bloodbath epics… it has all the gore you want, but it’s there to season clever writing, impressive (yes, even sensitive) acting and plenty of belly laughs. It came from horror and it had my attention and convulsive reaction from beginning to end… so it wins my annual prize.


I skipped quite a few films this year and achieved the desired results—I didn’t suffer through nearly as many mediocre (or worse) items as I have in just about any past year you’d care to name. Still and all…

DRIVE ANGRY suffered from lousy 3-D projection when I saw it—I understand it worked quite nicely on other occasions. And I had no idea it was a supernatural film until literally days before it opened. It was never too impressive in the “horror” department, but it WAS a fun, tasteless action film with some very amusing characters.

RED RIDING HOOD existed simply because TWILIGHT exists. I acknowledge that. But I’ll always be interested in from whence traditional fairy tales derive and how they might be interpreted for modern sensibilities. It will suffice to say that THE COMPANY OF WOLVES this wasn’t. It looked nice, and Gary Oldman was offered some nice scenery to chew, but there’s really nothing novel to report in this case.

I had resolved to skip SCREAM 4 after CURSED and MY SOUL TO TAKE. Wes Craven has done more than enough to earn my respect and I have no interest in hounding the man—why would I want him to three-peat on my “worst of the year” roundup? As it turned out, however, SCREAM 4 (perhaps because of the lengthy intermission, perhaps not) was actually more satisfying than either 2 or 3… even though it went on fifteen minutes longer than it needed to, sacrificing a perfect ending in the process.

DREAM HOUSE? Well-acted, well-cast, one or two good jumps… utterly predictable and utterly forgettable. Have any Daniel Craig genre movies truly broken that barrier? I never did see COWBOYS AND ALIENS…

And then, of course, there was the year’s most anticipated/dreaded remake… which turned out to be a prequel. Naturally, I mean THE THING. The storyline wasn’t bad at all (it’s a near-perfect dovetail to the Carpenter classic), and Mary Elizabeth Winstead was a most welcome presence in the lead, but neither the CGI effects nor the motley crew of characters inspired anything resembling either the tension or the shock value of its inspiration.


As I said earlier, I missed and/or deliberately skipped plenty. For all I know, the worst film of the year was THE ROOMMATE (you’d have to PAY me to sit through that one). Maybe it was CREATURE (which I’m sorry I missed, given its “biggest flop of all time” notoriety). Maybe it was THE DARKEST HOUR. As for BREAKING DAWN—PART ONE? The title says it all. I saw the first three films, and I’ve read all the books… and there’s simply no way I’m going to buy TWO tickets just to sit through ONE lousy story. (This is no HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS, which very much WAS worth two movies.) That said, I’m sure director Bill Condon brought what he could to the table and that on a purely technical level, it wasn’t “the worst” of the year. So, from my personal experience?

GIALLO was a crushing disappointment from Dario Argento (I’m the guy who even liked THE CARD PLAYER, okay?), but that never played on the big screen for us.

By now, I’m sick and tired of the whole HUMAN CENTIPEDE business. The permanent mark was made with an unforgettably sick and original concept the first time around. Notoriety earned. Okay, Tom Six found another memorable “star” for the non-sequel HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2: FULL SEQUENCE. And I’ve been told that I shouldn’t knock the movie just because I can’t see what a truly excellent example of black comedy it really is. But you’re never going to impress me if all you’re going to do is attempt to rub my face in every revolting act (and substance) imaginable from beginning to end. Making me gag doesn’t make me CARE. The best thing about either HUMAN CENTIPEDE movie is the poster art.

But if I were to name HC2 as the worst film of the year, someone would mistake that for a recommendation (or think that I failed some sort of endurance test). So, for those of you who immediately rush out and see the film that someone else called “worst of the year?” You are cordially invited to take SEASON OF THE WITCH off my hands. Feel free to enjoy Nicolas Cage and Ron Perlman as Crusaders who talk like 20th-century “buddy cop” movie characters. Watch the clichés unwind as they try to have it both ways with an “innocent” woman who really does house evil that must be destroyed. Honestly, they’re cribbing lines from JAWS before this heavily re-edited, unsalvageable flop is over. Take it. It’s yours.

As for me? I’ll take Mick LaSalle’s “worst movie of the year” (we’re no longer speaking of horror films specifically) any time… he apparently saw nothing worse than SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS all year. I thought it was terrific fun—just as much so as the first one. Speaking of larger-than-life characters, that brings us conveniently to the abundance of superhero movies (not counting SUPER itself).

Seth Rogen’s GREEN HORNET rubbed me the wrong way whether he had supposedly learned about heroism or not, but the film did score in the Kato department.

CAPTAIN AMERICA was one of the best lead-ins to the upcoming AVENGERS spectacular—it was full of fighting spirit and engaging character (I’m only sorry that I was forced to see it in a lousy 3-D conversion). It was better than the reasonably entertaining THOR—which, in turn, was significantly better than the merely passable GREEN LANTERN (I know—that one wasn’t a Marvel movie…).

My favorite superhero film of the year, however, was not part of the AVENGERS lineup and seems to have been designed specifically for people who don’t normally like superhero movies. One thing’s for sure—it certainly wasn’t made to please the purists! X-MEN: FIRST CLASS, however, enthralled me from beginning to end with a terrific, suspenseful story and superlative casting (Kevin Bacon once again does the villainous honors, but he’s a far cry from his SUPER character here). Sorry, folks—I’m not sufficiently familiar with the X-MEN comic canon to understand that I’m supposed to hate this movie: the truth is that I liked it better than ANY of the previous X-films!

Oh, and let’s not forget JOHNNY ENGLISH REBORN. The first of these Rowan Atkinson vehicles played more like a Pink Panther film to me, but now Johnny has settled quite nicely into pure Bond-spoof mode… he can even act his age to his advantage in this surprisingly low-key but highly entertaining comedy.

Okay… science fiction and fantasy? SUPER 8 scored quite nicely as a Spielberg-inspired 80s flashback… plenty of fun and wonder as a small town wonders why all hell’s breaking loose and why it’s being covered up. It’s Elle Fanning who steals this one, by the way…

As mentioned, the HARRY POTTER finale lived up to expectations—honoring the book without compromising the tone in the slightest—I have nothing but respect for the young cast who managed to hold it together as we watched them grow up over the course of eight movies.

PAUL was a most enjoyable comic diversion from the SHAUN/HOT FUZZ boys (it’s a good thing I saw Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in the TV spot, as the voice of Seth Rogen and the emphasis on potty humor almost cancelled my attention immediately). Yes, it’s another governmental E.T. coverup story, but this is no SUPER 8… it’s naughty fun with some inspired stunt casting.

ATLAS SHRUGGED: PART ONE promises to deliver Ayn Rand’s conservative apocalypse on a microbudget. Having read the book, I found the film adaptation (thus far) to be watchable enough to maintain my curiosity, but I’ll have to reserve judgment for the completed project—this opening third certainly can’t stand on its own merits.

The dazzling fantasy sequences of SUCKER PUNCH were quite fine on their own, but I could never engage in the “female empowerment or utter sexism?” debate with the rest of those who saw the movie… I was far too busy being depressed at knowing where the whole sick, ugly story was going to wind up (already had, in fact) no matter how optimistic they tried to make it look for somebody… anybody. By the time the credits rolled, I was quite literally sorry I’d seen the film at all—it left me feeling worse than I did when I went in, and I don’t think it was meant to have that effect.

Thank goodness for RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES. This is one of the best things to come out of the entire series (it blows the Burton film away in my estimation) and quite possibly my favorite film of 2011 overall. Don’t sell it short—do you realize how gutsy it was to make an APES film that did NOT feature talking apes from beginning to end? This movie had to grab your attention from the beginning in a whole new way—and it damn well DID it.

Comedy? The only one I saw that didn’t already fit on this list somewhere else was A VERY HAROLD & KUMAR 3-D CHRISTMAS. It had its moments. Two of them, if I recall correctly. The Claymation sequence WAS outstanding, okay?

The best “action” film of the year was far and away the arthouse favorite 13 ASSASSINS. While not the literal SEVEN SAMURAI remake it was reputed to be, this adhered to all of the greatest cinematic traditions and delivered an experience that will appeal equally to Kurosawa and SHOGUN ASSASSIN fans.

The much-hyped flop SANCTUM supposedly offered excellent 3-D to some patrons, but I wasn’t one of them. It’s a fairly standard survival adventure that worked decently enough for me, but the exotic outdoor locations (when you actually got to see them) were more interesting than the underwater caves…

On top of TAKEN, Dark Castle served up Liam Neeson in the highly-enjoyable UNKNOWN, while the Luc Besson factory came up with the utterly ridiculous (but charming all the same) COLOMBIANA.

These days, my favorite action hero is easily Jason Statham (I know—how can I say that when I still haven’t even seen THE EXPANDABLES)? This year he passed a crucial test by starring in a remake of a film associated with my favorite action hero EVER… Charles Bronson—and pulling it off quite decently, even if THE MECHANIC itself didn’t quite have the guts to tell the story the way it should have been told.

KILLER ELITE was the superior Statham film of the year, even though the “suggested by a true story” fictionalization had to be taken with the proverbial grain… and while it didn’t play American theatres at all, BLITZ was a crackerjack in the Dirty Harry vein—I guess it was too “veddy British” for us Yanks, but I, for one, am now interested in the novels that inspired it.

Well, that’s my movie year in review… how was yours?

Remo D.
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Re: 2011 in review...

Post by Darth Tanner »

Nice job Remo. Now for my take on the year.....

Looking back on 2011 it seemed to be a pretty disappointing year in terms of genre releases. Out of all the movies I saw in the theatre or on video, only 9 could be considered genre titles (with 4 of those being borderline). During the year I only saw 17 movies in the theatre (which was 2 more than last year). But I did catch up with 10 movies on the small screen to bring my total list of 2011 releases to 27. I regret that I never got around to seeing INSIDIOUS or RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES, but I've heard nothing but good things about both so I'll see them eventually. Despite the fact that I saw more movies this year than in the last few years , the majority of the movies I saw this year were pretty forgettable (at least to me) so this list might be depressing to some folks. But in keeping with tradition I decided to put in my two cents. I've broken my list down by theatrical and home viewings for convenience.

Theatrical viewings:

DRIVE ANGRY - The first movie I saw during the year (thanks to a free pass). It had some incredible 3-D effects as well as decent performances by Nicolas Cage and Amber Heard plus a cool cameo by Tom Atkins. In the end not a very memorable movie, but I still had a good time with it.

SUCKER PUNCH - I was one of the few people who actually liked this movie. While it wasn't on the level of WATCHMEN, I still enjoyed it a lot more than 300. Zak Snyder has a knack for creating movies with awesome visuals (which are greatly enhanced on Blu-Ray). I can't wait to see what he does with his upcoming SUPERMAN film.

SCREAM 4 - Didn't expect too much from this when I saw it even though it was certainly better than some of Wes Craven's recent output. I recently reviewed it on Blu-Ray and felt that it was the best in the series since the first film. But it was still probably intented as nothing more than a "cash cow" and the extended ending did hurt the movie a bit IMO. But you could definitely do worse.

THOR - Probably one of the most boring movies I've seen this year. The movie had some good intentions and a few funny moments, but the movie didn't really hold my interest like some other movies I saw this year. Not the worst movie I've seen this year (that's coming soon) but it could've definitely been better.

X-MEN: FIRST CLASS - Definitely the best of the superhero films that turned up this year. A huge improvement over THOR with a great storyline, terrific action and stellar performances. I've seen this two more times since getting the Blu-Ray and it still holds up very well.

SUPER 8 - My personal favorite as well as my pick for best movie of 2011. A really nice throwback to 70's "creature feature" films with a cool soundtrack and terrific performances by the kid actors. This one was a nice surprise and certainly a breath of fresh air in a stale year for genre films (at least for me anyway).

GREEN LANTERN - The worst movie I'd seen all year. A complete bore with lackluster action scenes and stiff acting. Even the lovely Blake Lively couldn't save this one. The worst part of the movie were the non-existent 3-D effects.

TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON - Saw this at the theatre while on vacation. Love this series or hate it, this entry was definitely the best in the series and had great use of CGI and 3-D. The film was also helped by good performances by Frances McDormand, John Turturro and John Malkovich.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER - My second-favorite superhero movie of the year behind X-MEN: FIRST CLASS. Terrific performances and solid action all around. I'm glad that we'll finally get THE AVENGERS movie in 2012 after more than two years of teasing.

COWBOYS & ALIENS - Saw this back when it came out but wasn't too compelled to say anything about it. The movie was ok for what it is as a throwback to westerns and alien flicks, but I was a little let down by it. I should check it out again to refresh my memory, but I honestly expected more from the director of IRON MAN.

FINAL DESTINATION 5 - The only things that made this entry stand out were the awesome 3-D effects and a cool ending. I have to say that I liked this more than the last two installments, but the series really needs to end since the formula has already been milked to death.

FRIGHT NIGHT - This one was a nice surprise as I wasn't expecting it to be any good. A decent remake that was completely different from the original film (aside from the basic premise). Colin Farrell made a great Jerry and David Tennant did an entertaining take on Peter Vincent. While I still like the original a little better, this one was still loads of fun and I'm glad to own it on Blu-Ray which I got for free :)

CONAN THE BARBARIAN - Saw this back when it came out, but it honestly wasn't anything memorable. There was nothing to recommend this one aside from a nice villainous performance by Stephen Lang and an underused Ron Perlman. Rose McGowan was horribly miscast and the movie was pretty lackluster. See the original instead.

FOOTLOOSE - Nobody really wanted a remake of the 1984 classic and I didn't see the need for it either. However I had a free pass to this and decided to check it out myself before putting it down. It was honestly better than I expected and faithful to the original (with a good performance by Dennis Quaid in the John Lithgow role), but at the end of the day it wasn't anything we needed to see again.

A VERY HAROLD & KUMAR 3D CHRISTMAS - I'm one of the few who actually liked this move when it came out, but then again I'm probably the target audience. Great humorous gags and a surprising part for Danny Trejo. The 3-D effects were also outstanding.

GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO - A great adaptation by David Fincher that I actually liked a little more than the Swedish version. Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara were both terrific. I hope that both stars and director stay on board for the other two installments.

SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS - A great way to end the year. An entertaining movie with a good story and great performances by all involved. Ranks right up there with the first one in my book.

Home viewings:

I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE - It was inevitable that the 1978 cult classic would be remade, but this went straight-to-video by Anchor Bay earlier this year and didn't get much notice. I didn't think the movie was too bad and in some ways better than the original. Sarah Butler may lack the charm of Camille Keaton, but she did a decent job as this version's Jennifer. The movie also had nice supporting part from Tracey Walter and it was great to see Rodney Eastman (from DREAM WARRIORS) again as a sinister Andy. I wouldn't put this in the same caliber as the remake of LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT but still recommend checking it out.

UNKNOWN - Saw this as a rental while on vacation. A decent effort from Dark Castle with good performances by Liam Neeson and January Jones. The movie does hold your interest but it's something you'll likely forget much of after you've seen it.

NO STRINGS ATTACHED - A cute romantic comedy with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. It's nothing special but both of the actors put in good performances. Definitely worth seeing as a rental.

RED RIDING HOOD - Caught this one while on vacation visiting with my cousin (who ordered it on pay-per-view). The movie was well-made with some good performances but it really didn't hold my interest. It was probably made just for the TWILIGHT audience.

HALL PASS - A lot of people claimed that this was the funniest movie they saw all year and I honestly can't see why. While it wasn't horrible and had a few funny moments, the movie was pretty much forgettable for me. Maybe I should give it another look.

BAD TEACHER - Another forgettable comedy that failed to deliver for me. Cameron Diaz tried her best but even she couldn't save this movie. Not the worst movie I've seen this year but pretty close.

TAKE ME HOME TONIGHT - I usually hate watching Topher Grace in anything, but I like 80's-themed comedies and decided to give this a shot. It's not completely horrible and has a killer soundtrack. Topher Grace and Anna Faris put in decent (if non-memorable) performances along with a surprise cameo by Michael Biehn. Worth a rental if you can't find anything better.

SOUL SURFER - A real surprise that I caught up with via Redbox. This is based on the true story about a young surfer girl who lost her arm in a shark attack and her determination to overcome her disability. Annasophia Robb was great in the leading role with some good support from Dennis Quaid and Helen Hunt plus a surprising turn by Carrie Underwood. Despite the seriousness of the film, this was still one of the more satisfying movies I've seen all year and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.

STRAW DOGS - I haven't seen the original for comparison, but I thought this was a pretty gripping film with some decent performances. Kate Bosworth really shined in this and was certainly better than in SUPERMAN RETURNS.

THE WARD - John Carpenter's first feature film in a decade was a huge let-down for me. While it was a little better than GHOSTS OF MARS, it couldn't hold a candle to his earlier work. But it's doubtful at this point that he'll ever return to his glory days.

So there you have mine in a nutshell. Here's hoping 2012 will be slightly better for genre offerings, but right now there isn't much on the horizon. I am curious about Ridley Scott's ALIEN prequel coming out in June as well as some oddity called ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER. But the only thing coming out in the next few months that grab my interest are WRATH OF THE TITANS and the 3-D release of PHANTOM MENACE. Yes I know it's a conversion job, but I do want to see it again on the big screen and I'm sure there are a few scenes (specially the podrace) that would look great in 3-D if it is done properly.
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Re: 2011 in review...

Post by gothbat »

I think I saw 2 movies in 2011 that were actually from 2011:

Herschell Gordon Lewis: The Godfather of Gore – This was well worth the bit of travel it took to get to where this was showing. There's not really much to say, it's a documentary on Herschell Gordon Lewis filled with lots of interesting and amusing trivia about his movies. Not all movies are actually covered but you still get the majority of the catalog and it's never dull, not even on the second watch. The DVD has more footage that they just didn't use that, I think, covers the movies that weren't covered in the documentary itself and runs maybe an hour or so. There's even footage from an incomplete and never released HG Lewis movie in the documentary.

Kill List – I'm kind of mixed on this one and will have to view it a few more times. No one seems to be saying much about this and I don't think it's widely available yet so I won't ruin anything for those interested. I can say it's worth checking out at least once regardless of what I ultimately wind up thinking of it though, it's a very enjoyable watch but I think something about it may annoy some viewers after a certain point.

As for Giallo, since it was mentioned, I didn't care much for it when I first saw it but it fared better with a second watch a few months later.
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Re: 2011 in review...

Post by Kimberly »

As always, nice reviews from you guys! :)
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Chris Slack
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Re: 2011 in review...

Post by Chris Slack »

Shane, this is the 10th consecutive year you have started this thread here. Infinite thanks to you and the faithful few who keep this forum on life support in the Facebook age.

I'll post my thoughts on 2011 in due time :)