Black Snake Moan

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Remo D
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Black Snake Moan

Post by Remo D »

What? I'm the first one to post on THIS? I thought Horrornews was forsaking ZODIAC--just WAITING for this one to come out!

Well, come on... tell me what YOU thought--I can't be the only one who saw it...

Hats off to the most provocative ad campaign to hit mainstream theatres in a LONG time. That TITLE (now, now, if you dug just a little bit, you'd easily find out that it's a reference to a blues traditional), Samuel L. Jackson keeping a half-naked Christina Ricci chained up... YIPE. Just BEGGING for controversy, and guaranteed to be talked about. Here's the catch... will all the people caught up in the ruckus actually go SEE it?

Well, if they do, they're in for a surprise--it's not an exploitation film at all, and it's an excellent, blues-flavored human psychodrama, with terrific performances by Jackson, Ricci, and Justin Timberlake. Yes, I said "Justin Timberlake," okay? I'm sure they kept him out of the ad campaign for a reason, but there's nothing to be afraid of.

Jackson is Lazarus, the Southern crop-raiser/bluesman who's been in torment ever since his wife left him for his younger brother. Ricci is Rae: she's the "town slut," but it's an illness, not an attitude. The only thing keeping her sane is her relationship with Robbie (Timberlake)--he has 'big plans' for them after his National Guard stint... but in the meantime, he's just as helpless without her as she is without him. And he has to leave anyway.

You've seen hints of how it all comes together in the trailer. But it's no substitute for the film itself--it is guaranteed to NOT play out the way you think it will... and it's practically worth the price of admission to watch Jackson whale away at that guitar... just wait for the scene in which the title song comes up, and prepare to be amazed.

I figure ZODIAC will last a little longer. But I've been choosing my movies carefully this year, and I think I made the right choice again this weekend.
My dog's breath smells like peanut butter...

...and I don't even have a dog!
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chemical boy
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Post by chemical boy »

Mr D you nearly scared me there with the mention of our dear friend timberlake.
Although i suppose he should consider it an honor to have you mention his name in a post lol!
No I have not seen it more over I have not seen a single preview perhaps it just hasn't made it to hawaii yet (another negative point to the island)
but once it gets here ill take a look at it as long as it's not a love story kind of thing forgive me for narrowing my film selection but those just aren't my style.
"stop the world I wanna get off..."

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