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Joe Biden

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 11:51 am
by derek666

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:17 pm
by Project Undead Vish
Here's my answer:


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:16 pm
by DeathFrogg
And mine.

When I look at a candidate, I don't nessesarily look at the stupid shit they say on television. I look at the type of people their candidacy attracts, and what that candidate has done in the past in the political arena.

The McCaine/Palin ticket, is specifically aimed at the sub-90 IQ religious whackjob mindset. His goal of selling the entirety of the US Government to private concerns and profit motivated organizations is directly aimed at subjugation and the elimination of Constitutional law, just as his predecessor has done.

Corporations are inherently fascist in nature. Fascism is the foundation of the entire corporate structure. They are not democracies, they are dictatorships. The sole ethos, the entirety of the system, is profit and aquisition of property and market share (power) at ANY cost. Nothing is forbidden in this endeavor. Nothing.

Putting these institutions in charge the of economic, military and domestic decision making process can only result in what the Italians, Spanish, Germans, Austrians and Japanese had previous to 1945.

Without that Constitutional law, there is no United States. Without that promotion of the General Welfare, there is no United States. Corporations minimize their expenses to maximize profit. Selling off assets owned by the taxpayers for short term profit is fascism. Turning essential national functions over to those who would minimize their expenses and efforts for the sake of profit is anarchy.

It renders the entirety of responsibility for law enforcement, liberty and human rights over to the organizations that see such things as subversive to their purpose.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:37 pm
by Adremelech
DeathFrogg wrote: McCaine/Palin ticket, is specifically aimed at the sub-90 IQ religious whackjob mindset.
You mean asshats like this?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:39 pm
by Adremelech

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:57 pm
by wadruid
WOW!!! That's just incredible!!

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:01 pm
by Irrylath
Adremelech wrote:You mean asshats like this?
damn. AND she trampled the bush.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:06 pm
by DeathFrogg
A deeply psychotic woman.

This is the GOP in a nutshell. This is their attitude.

Albert Einstein once said: "The very definition of insanity, is the repetition of the same course of action while expecting different results."

They didn't learn the lessons of Joseph Macarthy, they didn't learn the lessons of Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding or Calvin Coolege, the men who caused the great depression and directly benefited from the massive rise of the Ku Klux Klan during the 19teens and 20s. The men who openly supported the fascist regimes in Italy, Spain and Germany during the 1930s and were quite vocal in their opposition to Rooseveldts domestic policies. They didn't learn from the men who wrote the Constitution, who openly opposed a fractional reserve banking system and wrote entire libraries of books describing their opposition to corporations and religions having influence on Government.

Fuck these nazi assholes. They can move to Argentina or Columbia or something if they want a fascist paradise.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 5:52 pm
by derek666
You are quite assuming of this!! I have made it very clear over and over that I can NOT stand either of the parties!! nor either candidate!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 5:57 pm
by derek666
I forgot, don't any of you find humor in the shit he has said?? or is it only humorous when that twat says something assinine? as in the words of my friend Barrack, its a three letter word, J-O-B-S. how the fuck is that not funny???

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:18 pm
by Project Undead Vish
I think it's funny when any politician fucks up what they are saying. I totally see the humor you were trying to place in the thread.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:34 pm
by Adremelech
Imagine the pressure and stress of a presidential campaign. Having to give big speeches almost every day, much of them impromptu. It would be VERY easy to stumble on your words and/or say something stupid. It would happen to any one of us. It DOES happen to us from time to time, but not everything we say is filmed.

McCain's age doesn't help him any, that's for sure. Nobody beats W on the moronic statements though.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:00 pm
by derek666
Adremelech wrote:Imagine the pressure and stress of a presidential campaign. Having to give big speeches almost every day, much of them impromptu. It would be VERY easy to stumble on your words and/or say something stupid. It would happen to any one of us. It DOES happen to us from time to time, but not everything we say is filmed.

McCain's age doesn't help him any, that's for sure. Nobody beats W on the moronic statements though.
Biden was stumbling way way before this stupid race. He's been doing it a whole lot longer than GW's monkey ass has.

Vish got the humor in it, but as usual, DF has to turn some funny crap into an anti GOP thread. Learn to fucking laugh at funny shit, GW's bumblings are getting old and now there is someone new to laugh at that makes many many mistakes everytime he opens his mouth. You guys are the ones voting him in, I am voting for Jody!! Fetal Fecal Facial will be the new national anthem!!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:14 pm
by Adremelech
derek666 wrote:Biden was stumbling way way before this stupid race. He's been doing it a whole lot longer than GW's monkey ass has.
That doesn't mean that Biden's more of an idiot than Bush. Quality over quantity.
Vish got the humor in it, but as usual, DF has to turn some funny crap into an anti GOP thread. Learn to fucking laugh at funny shit.
Well lets all line up and give Vish a rimjob because he's so great. I got the humor too. I was merely adding more of it to your thread. We're not all Deathfrogg, dude.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:15 pm
by DeathFrogg
derek666 wrote:Biden was stumbling way way before this stupid race. He's been doing it a whole lot longer than GW's monkey ass has.

Vish got the humor in it, but as usual, DF has to turn some funny crap into an anti GOP thread. Learn to fucking laugh at funny shit, GW's bumblings are getting old and now there is someone new to laugh at that makes many many mistakes everytime he opens his mouth. You guys are the ones voting him in, I am voting for Jody!! Fetal Fecal Facial will be the new national anthem!!!!
There is nearly nothing that is funny about this election season. There are jokes and amusing anecdotes, but they ring hollow and fall flat in the face of the situation with the economy, the wars, and the principles of the people running for office.

The humor is empty.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:07 pm
by Project Undead Vish
Adremelech wrote: Well lets all line up and give Vish a rimjob because he's so great.
Now that's something EVERYBODY can (and should) get behind!

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:30 am
by derek666
DeathFrogg wrote:There is nearly nothing that is funny about this election season. There are jokes and amusing anecdotes, but they ring hollow and fall flat in the face of the situation with the economy, the wars, and the principles of the people running for office.

The humor is empty.
I figured you would be extremely happy with a Democrat in office?? 171 democrats voted for the bailout as opposed to 91 republicans, with all the praise of the left you have been giving for years on here you would think that you of all people on here would be happy as hell Obama will be winning.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:54 am
by DeathFrogg
This is why I will never vote for anyone who wears their religion on their sleeve in a political campaign. Ever.

Sarah Palin was not hired on to court the female vote, she was hired on to court the christonazi vote. The man in that vid is the American christian equivalent to the Ayatollah Khomehni. The Republicans, and many of the conservative Democrats see this man as their philosophical messiah.

The people that are voting for the Mccain/Palin ticket are the christian version of the Taliban. They espouse the same principles, the same underlying philosophy, and have the same goals. They do not stand for liberty or the rule of law. They are anarchistic theocrats. Their entire dogma is based in their religion. They know nothing else, and deride, smear and slander anyone who has knowlege of things outside religious philosophy.

Scientists, scholars and non-religious philosophers are aneathema to their purpose, and therefore considered evil and dangerous by these people. They are terrified of being revealed for what they are, and what purpose they have for themselves and their religion.

They would place their "faith" and the rules they have created to enforce that belief system in the forefront, over those of the U.S. Constitution and the laws that are based in it. These people look at Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Iran and see paradise. The ultimate manifestations of religion. Just because they label themselves as "christian" instead of Moslem they claim themselves to be different. But that label is the only difference. Everything else, their philosophy, their idealogy, their purpose is exactly the same. They are book-burners, racists and religious bigots. They openly promote the idea of hanging teenagers for mastrubating or for homosexuality. They openly promote the idea of eliminating the child labor laws. They openly promote the idea of stoning women for adultery, even in the case of violent rape. They openly and quite vocally oppose public education.

In short, they are exactly the same as the Islamic radicals that bombed the WTC. They are terrorists and murderers.

Need an example?

Barack Obama is a Constitutional scholar. He has a Ph.D in constitutional law and taught it at fucking HARVARD for chrissake. You don't get a job like that at your local temp agency. He's the most intelligent man we've seen run for the office since Robert Kennedy. He runs rings around John Mccain by every measure.