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Babysitter Wanted

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:49 am
by DylanDog
Anyone seen this one? I watched it a week or two ago with no prior knowledge of what it was other than a horror movie and was very pleasantly surprised. Nice young girl moves away from home for the first time to attend college and takes a job babysitting for a couple who live on a farm out in the middle of nowhere. Meanwhile, young girls have been disappearing in town. Naturally, her first night on the job she's stalked by someone trying to get into the house.

I don't wanna say more than that for fear of ruining it for you, but it's a real fun ride with true moments of tension, some wince inducing gore, and some well placed humor sprinkled in as well. The story is setup in such a way that you could make both a sequel and a prequel, but you never feel like you are missing anything in the course of just this movie. It's original enough to be enjoyed on it's own merits, but with enough nods to what's gone before to show that the filmmakers know what they're doing. I won't say that this is a great film, but it's one that I'm reasonably sure most everyone here would enjoy.