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Not Another Teen Movie

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 5:09 pm
by Remo D
According to most of the critics, I'm the least likely person to go see NOT ANOTHER TEEN MOVIE. Ah, but I remember actually seeing THE BREAKFAST CLUB on the big screen... I may never have cared a damn to see such works of art as CAN'T HARDLY WAIT and SHE'S ALL THAT, but I'm always up for a good skewering, and this one reaches all the way back to the 1980s.

Most of the critics also declare this to be the worst film of the year--another reason for me to see it, and another exaggeration. It's not quite up to SCARY MOVIE, but it beats SCARY MOVIE 2--and don't even get me started on FREDDY GOT FINGERED.

Look--you know what you're getting into if you check in to see this one. And it works well enough for what it is. You get the final word in toilet humor... but you also get one of the best (and funniest) gore scenes of the year. The nudity is pleasant and most welcome in an era where almost everyone else shies away from it, and us old-timers can enjoy seeing such character favorites as Ed Lauter as the football coach (who ends every sentence with "goddammit!").

Good matinee laughs--if you were at all interested in seeing this in the first place, you might as well go through with it--if not, no great loss.

"Nya-nya, nya-nya, nyahh-nyahh... I made you eat your parents!!!" --Cartman

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 6:33 pm
by Darth Tanner
You know, I had given very little consideration to this one. But seeing as there is little else out there I would care to see right now, this sounds like it might fit the bill nicely. After two years of crappy teen flicks hogging the screens (and driving away halfway decent films that demand to be seen), it's high time this genre got the skewering it deserves in this type of movie. Even if it is something I'll only watch once, I'm sure it will be rewarding.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 2:39 am
by Griff [Mola]
I'm a big fan of old school teen titty flicks and providing this one doesn't have a superfluous romantic subplot, I reckon it could be a goer.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 5:14 am
by Darth Tanner
Went to check this out the other night and absolutely loved it. Much better and funnier than I expected it to be. Granted it's not a classic, but (as Remo said) it's better than SCARY MOVIE 2. This one moved right along without any tedium. The cast was pretty decent for this type of movie, but Randy Quaid really stole the show. Even if you hate this type of movie (or teen movies in general), I would still recommend this one for some good laughs.