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since it's been so long...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:01 pm
by -deathboy-
...who is playin in what bands these days?

i'll start!
tasty gore finally layed to rest a couple years back.
over the summer of '14, alex (muc) and i started a new project called wutthphuk which has blown up and taken on a life of it's own! lovin it! it's industrial horror punk cybergrind. and that lead to me joining up with pill brigade as his hype man. we have been having a blast with both bands and '15 is already shaping up to be a kick ass time.

Re: since it's been so long...

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:10 pm
by MetalGoddess
I need to find a band or at least some peeps to jam with!